If you are a Minecraft: Pocket Edition fan, a Telltale Games fan, or a Telltale Games fan who plays Minecraft in between surviving the zombie apocalypse, then you are probably anxiously awaiting the upcoming Minecraft: Story Mode, Telltale’s episodic treatment of the Minecraft Universe that’s coming out October 15th. In case you don’t know anything about the game, Minecraft: Story Mode has you playing as either male or female (the first time a Minecraft game lets you do that), and you get to be the star of your own story within a Minecraft world. Now, we have the first gameplay video of the game courtesy of last weekend’s Twitchcon, and the game looks really good.
The video shows the opening few minutes of the game, so if you want to avoid spoilers, you should skip it. If you don’t mind the slight spoilers and you decide to watch the video, you’ll see how one, the world you’ll be playing in looks incredibly like Minecraft, and two, your character’s smooth graphics and animations are slightly jarring. I do like the clever touches like the inventory looking like a typical Minecraft inventory. According to the commentary, the game will be an “all-ages” adventure like the Goonies and Ghostbusters, but it will still require players to make some very difficult choices. Also, some of the choices you’ll have to make have to do with building stuff, a very interesting departure from other Telltale games. Are you looking forward to playing the game? I most definitely am.
Here’s a Nice “Minecraft: Story Mode” Gameplay Video for you.