Story ShareI’m home after a big adventure in Alaska. I’ll write more about that later, for now I’m catching up with email and twitter. Sorry if you’ve been waiting for a reply from me, I’ve been mostly out of touch.

Many of you are writers. Keep writing! If you’ve asked me to read your story or write you a story then this link is for you . Share your story with readers. Read stories written by my friends and comment. This is a fun place to share your stories and have fun reading!

You can try my series of Minecraft Adventures FREE! Flynn’s Log 1 is now free for iBooks, Kindle, Nook and Kobo. My website has links to the free book on your device.

If you like Flynn’s Log 1, you’ll LOVE Flynn’s Log 2! Check it out here: The preview is free! Read the first three log entries before you buy.

Thanks for reading!
-Stone Marshall