Is the ‘Spiderman’ cast announced yet?!….oohh….i was talking about this with one of my friends…………
Tom: “Why can’t they choose actors who the world actually accepted as superheroes…”
Me: ” ….what about ‘Harry Potter’….?”
Tom: “……..ya why not something like that?!!??!!…..”
Me: “….What about Dumbledore……he will be the best one…no competition you know…….hehehaha…”
Athough I was joking……then it dawned upon me how cool the idea really is…!!!…
No….no…not Dumbledore….hehehe…..but why not ‘Daniel Radcliffe’??!!!
I could’nt find anyone else appropriate………what do u think, eh?
And then i search in the internet….well u know…there are many rumours…on it…including Radcliffe taken for the ‘Webslinger’ role by ‘Sony’..i mean can you believe that??!
Daniel Radcliffe.
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe, born on 23 July, 1989, is an English actor who rose to prominance as the title charector in thd ‘Harry Potter’ film’s. He made his acting debut at 10 years of age in BBC’s television film ‘ David Copperfield’. At age of 11, he was cast for ‘Harry Potter’ and starred in the series for ten years until it’s release in 2011. He has won several awards, especially from MTv for the ‘best actor’. – Wikipedia.

This is all i have got to tell you……i believe that radcliffe has enough experience in the ‘superhero world’ to star for ‘Spiderman’……he looks perfect in the suit tooo!!!….i could’nt find anyone else so perfect….but still…i have no right. I just suggested him because i’m a ‘Hardcore Harry Potter fan’…..i know you guyz out there would contradict me saying that spiderman deserves a more better candidate, but still i have the right to say my opinions , have’nt I ?