Beast as The Hulk
Today we have another fantastic set of character art from Isaiah Stephens featuring more Disney characters reimagined as geek culture heroes. He calls the series “Disney Halloween,” and you can see some of the other art from the series here and here. This latest collection of illustrations is more geared toward the male characters in the Disney universe. I only included one new princess as a character from Game of Thrones.
Aladdin and Abu as Ash Ketchum and Pikachu
Aurora as Daenerys Targaryen
John Smith as Johnny Bravo
Li Shang as Mako
Milo Thatch as The Doctor (Tennant)
Prince Naveen as Captain Jack Sparrow
Peter Pan as Link
Prince Philip as Indiana Jones
Prince Charming, Prince Eric, and Prince Florian as Sam, Castiel, and Dean from Supernatural